Diamed Ghana - Treatments
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Acne Yash Lotion
Adenoma of prostate Metaprost, Spermastim, Verzan Capsules, Uroprost Tea, Mavit
Amenorrhea Anvite, Alfalfa
Anemia R-Valio, Moringa Plus
Arthritis Lux-Yash, Alfalfa, Laminarin, Cystal, Stels Capsules, Renal Tea
Ascites Hepatocare, Hepayash, Verzan Capsules, Cleanves, Milax, Glutargine
Asthma Yash Cough Syrup, R-Valio, Milax
Autoimmune diseases Verzan Capsules, Alfalfa, Laminarin
Bad breath Orix, Milobet
Ulcer Moringa Plus, Milobet, Hepatocare
Bloating Purgen, Milobet, Bilapan
BPH (prostate enlargement) Metaprost, Spermastim, Verzan, Uroprost, Mavit
Breast cancer Verzan, Femitol, Alfa-Alfa, Laminarin, R-valio, Moringa Plus
Burning sensation in the foot Hepatocare, Hepa-Yash, Cleanves, Stels, Lux-Yash, Renal tea
Calcification of prostate Metaprost, Spermastim, Stels, Renal Tea, Cystal,Mavit
Chemotherapy before and after Moringa Plus, R-valio, Laminarin
Cholecystitis Hepatocare, Hepa-Yash, Cleanves, Stels, Milax tea
Cholesterol high Hepatocare; Cleanves, Milax tea
Cold Moringa Plus, Milax tea drink hot
Colon cancer Verzan, R-valio, Laminarin, Moringa Plus
Constipation Purgen, Milobet, Bilapan, Glucoyash
Cough Yash-Cough, Milax tea
Cystitis Cystal, Renal tea
Diabetes Glucoyash, Cystal, Cleanves
Diarrhea Milobet
Difficult breathing Moringa Plus, Hepatocare, Cardiotone
Digestion problems Moringa Plus, Hepatocare, Milobet, Bilapan, Milax tea
Discharging from uretra Cystal, Renal tea, Yuwy
Discharging from vagina Cystal, Yuwy
Dysmenorrhea Femitol, if low level of estrogen Anvite, Laminarin
Endometriosis Femitol, Verzan
Erectile dysfunction Metaprost, Spermastim, Verzan, Uroprost, Mavit, Buffalo, Orix
Esophagitis Moringa Plus, Milobet
Female fertility Femitol, Verzan, Almag
Fertility(Blocked of the tubes) Femitol, Verzan, Almag
Fibroid in liver Verzan, Hepatocare, Hepa-Yash, Cleanves, Stels, Milax tea
Fibroid in uterus Femitol, Verzan
Foamy urine Glucoyash, Cystal, Cleanves
Frequent urination Cystal, Renal tea
Gallstones Stels,Hepatocare, Hepayash, Cleanves, Milax tea
Gastritis Moringa Plus, Milobet, Hepatocare
Goiter Laminarin, Moringa Plus, Verzan
Gout Stels, Cleanves, Renal tea, Lux-Yash
Hair loss Anvite, Alfa-Alfa
Heavy menstrual bleeding Anvite, Alfa-Alfa; R-valio
Headache Moringa Plus, Milax Tea, Cleanves
Heart beating fast Cardiotone
Heart pain Cardiotone, R-valio, Cleanves
Hemorrhoids (Pulses) CCleanves, Milax tea, Bilapan, UTMPk
Hepatitis Hepatocare, Hepa-Yash, Cleanves, Milax tea, Glutargine
HIV/AIDS Verzan; Alfa-Alfa; Laminarin
Hypertension Cardiotone, Cystal, Renal tea
Hypertrophy of prostate Metaprost, Spermastim, Uroprost, Mavit, Buffalo, Orix
Jaundice Hepatocare, Hepa-Yash, Cleanves, Milax tea, Glutargine
Joints pain Lux-Yash, Saglo joints, Cystal, Laminarin
Kidney disease Cystal, Renal tea
Kidney stones Stels, Cystal, Renal tea
Lamb in the breast Verzan, Femitol, Alfa-Alfa, Laminarin, R-valio, Moringa Plus
Liver cancer Verzan, Hepatocare, Cleanves, Milax tea, Glutargine
Liver disease Hepatocare, Hepa-Yash, Cleanves, Milax tea, Glutargine
Low immunity Verzan, Moringa Plus, Alfa-Alfa, Laminarin
Low sperm count Metaprost, Spermastim, Cystal
Memory loss Anvit, Alfa-Alfa, Laminarin
Menstrual cramps Anvite
Nasal congestion Moringa Plus and Milax tea drink hot
Neck pain Saglo joints, Lux-Yash
Obesity Bilapan, Laminarin, Cleanves
Osteophytis formation Stels, Saglo joints, Renal tea, Lux-Uash
Ovarian cyst Femitol, Verzan
Ovarian dysfunction Femitol, Verzan
PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) Cystal, Yuwy
Poor blood circulation R-valio, Yash-Lotion, Cleanves, Renal tea, Almag
Premature ejaculation Metaprost, Spermastim, Cystal, Mavit
Prostate cancer Metaprost, Spermastim, Uroprost, Verzan, Mavit, Buffalo, Orix
Prostate enlargement Metaprost, Spermastim, Uroprost, Verzan, Mavit, Buffalo, Orix
Prostatitis Metaprost, Spermastim, Uroprost, Verzan, Mavit, Buffalo, Orix
Sexual drive to increase Buffalo, Orix
Shoulder pain Saglo joints, Lux-Yash, Almag
Skin burning Yash-Lotion, Lux-Yash, Almag
Skin rashes Yash-Lotion, Almag
Sneezing Moringa Plus, Yash-cough, Milax tea
Sore throat Moringa Plus, Orix, Milax tea
Spondylosis Lux-Yash, Saglo Joints, Alfa-Alfa, Laminarin, Cystal, Stels, Renal tea
Stomach cancer Moringa Plus, Hepatocare, Milobet, Verzan
Stomach pain Milobet
Stomach ulcer Moringa Plus, Milobet, Hepatocare
Stroke Claenves, Cardiotone, Laminarin, Renal Tea, Almag
Swelling legs Renal tea, Cystal, Almag
Throat pain Moringa Plus, Milobet
Thrombosis veins Yash-Lotion, Cleanves, Anvite, Almag
Typhoid Milobet
Irregular menstrual bleeding Anvite
Uretritis Metaprost, Cystal, Yuwy
Urine color change Renal tea, Cystal, Moringa Plus
Urethral itching Yuwy, Cystal
UTI (urinary tract infection) Cystal, Yuwy, Renal tea
Vaginal discharging Yuwy, Cystal
Vaginal itching Yuwy, Cystal
Weight loss Glucoyash, Cystal, Cleanves
Weight loss programm Bilapan, Laminarin, Cleanves