The hormone testosterone (T) is often associated with masculinity. But women’s bodies also make testosterone. Too little testosterone in men or too much in women can indicate serious health problems.
In the male body, the testicles make testosterone. In females, the ovaries produce the hormone.
Testosterone is responsible for features like body hair, muscle mass, and strength. Men with low levels of testosterone might notice a reduction in the aforementioned, while women with too much testosterone might notice an increase in the mentioned features.
One may decide to take a testosterone level test if he believes that his testosterone levels are not within a normal range.
A normal testosterone level range for men is 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). For women, it’s between 15 and 70 ng/dL. However, it may also be considered normal to have changes in the levels of testosterone throughout life.
Testosterone levels can decrease naturally due to age or other health conditions. After the age of 40, men’s testosterone levels decrease by an average of at least 1 percent every year. Some symptoms of low testosterone, particularly erectile dysfunction, are commonly seen in men over 40. Low testosterone levels have often been observed in people with obesity, no matter their age.
The most common testosterone-related problem in men is hypogonadism, also called low testosterone.
An individual’s testosterone level may be abnormally low if he has one or more of the following symptoms:
- Decreased sex drive
- Inability to achieve an erection (erectile dysfunction)
- Inability to conceive a child
- Overall tiredness
Women with too much testosterone may grow facial hair, develop a deeper voice, or experience decreased breast size. Too much testosterone in women can also cause acne.
One possible cause of too much testosterone in women is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS can make it difficult to get pregnant and interfere with menstruation.
Abnormally high or low levels of testosterone in men and women can indicate other serious conditions. High testosterone levels can indicate ovarian or testicular cancer. Low T levels can indicate chronic illness or a problem with the pituitary gland, which releases hormones.
In infant boys and girls, signs of abnormal testosterone levels may be more extreme. Testosterone tests are often ordered for boys and girls who aren’t developing properly or when parents notice delayed puberty.
Boys with low T may grow slowly, with no body hair and poorly developed muscles. Girls with high T may have delayed menstruation or too much body hair. Boys with high T may enter puberty early and robustly.
Sometimes, too much T is the result of a condition known as Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). This testosterone overload can result in males having an abnormally large penis and females having abnormal genitalia at birth.
In some cases, CAH can make men develop very deep voices and some women to grow facial hair.
CAH is quite difficult to diagnose in infants because it causes dehydration, poor feeding habits, and other symptoms. It can also cause stunted growth.
The test is usually conducted in the morning when T levels are highest. Getting testosterone levels checked requires a simple blood test. Sometimes, the test needs to be taken more than once to confirm the measurements.
The patient may be asked to stop taking any prescriptions that could affect testosterone levels before the test.
Some medications that can artificially increase the levels of testosterone include:
- Steroids
- Barbiturates
- Anticonvulsants
- Androgen or estrogen therapies
Conversely, some medications, like opiates, can artificially decrease testosterone levels. Patients who are taking any of these medications, should alert their doctor so they will take steps to ensure that the testosterone test results are accurate.
Depending on persisting symptoms, the doctor may also perform a physical examination.
For a male, the doctor may perform a physical examination if they notice:
- A loss of facial hair
- Abnormal weight gain
- A loss of height
- Signs of gynecomastia, an abnormal increase in breast tissue size
For a female, the doctor may perform a physical if they notice:
- Abnormal facial acne
- Abnormal hair thinning or balding on the head
- Abnormal facial hair growth
Currently there are testosterone home testing kits that are widely available on the open market. These uses one’s saliva to test hormone levels. However after taking the sample at home, it will have to be taken to a laboratory for testing.
It has been suggested through several studies that saliva offers a relatively accurate measurement of testosterone levels. Some sources however suggests the contrary, that supplemental tests, such as serum testing, are indeed necessary to ensure that salivary test results are accurate.
A test can help reveal whether there are any underlying conditions, health issues, or lifestyle choices that may be affecting the production of testosterone. It may be prudent to test for one’s testosterone levels upon noticing symptoms, such as hair loss, weight loss, or acne, especially among those under age 40. In many cases, testosterone levels can vary with age, diet, drug regime, or even levels of activity.
A testosterone test may indicate whether the result levels are merely a result of the natural aging process or some factors that can be personally regulated.