Prostate Adenoma
Prostate adenoma is an outdated medical term. Currently called Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and commonly called prostate gland enlargement is a common condition as men get older. The prostate gland if enlarged, can cause uncomfortable urinary symptoms, such as blocking the flow of urine out of the bladder. It can also cause several bladder, urinary tract or kidney problems.
In our facility we have NATURAL highly effective treatments for prostate gland enlargement, including herbal medicine and course of physiotherapy. To select the best option, our doctors will consider all the variables: the symptoms, the size of prostate gland, other health conditions patient might have will be considered.
Causes Of Prostate Adenoma
The prostate adenoma develops as a disease, occurs in men, who have low sexual activity, sitting at one place for a long time , which cause congestion at pelvic area.
It has been noted that the age and level of male hormones greatly affect the incidence of Prostate Adenoma. Hereditary factors and a sedentary lifestyle also contribute to the development of hyperplasia.
Stages Of The Disease
4 stages of development of Prostate Adenoma can be identified.
COMPENSATED FORM: BPH Gradually increases. The prostate gland begins to compress the urethra which immediately affects the nature of urination. Urination becomes difficult and sluggish in its flow.
Patient experiences a resistance to the normal outflow of urine, the muscles of the bladder gradually increases in volume in order to squeeze urine out.
The most characteristic changes at this stage are thaturination is:
- Less free
- More frequent
- Patients have to get up to urinate 2-3 times per night.
- Not as intense as before (weak stream).
The following symptoms may appear as the prostate grows further and the urethra is strengthened:
- A decrease in urine output
- An increased urge to urinate even during the day
- Participation of the auxiliary muscles: (A patient may strain the stomach at the beginning or at the end of urination for better emptying)
- Increased incidences of irrepressible desire to urinate (imperative urges)
Despite the presence of these symptoms, the general condition of an adenoma patient can remain stable for many years without any significant signs of disease progression.
It is worthy to note that, even at this stage, acute urinary retention may periodically occur.
SUB COMPENSATION OR PERIODIC VIOLATIONS: At this stage, the bladder is not fully emptied, and the amount of urine remaining in it after urination remains high.
The characteristic symptoms of this stage may be:
- An increase in bladder volume
- The urine stream is released intermittently
- The need to strain during the whole urination
- Due to breaks in urinating, the whole process of urination is stretched for several minutes.
Due to the volume of urine that remains in the bladder, changes in the upper parts of the urinary system begin to occur:
- Ureters expand
- Signs of renal failure appear
Other possible symptoms:
- Dry skin
- Thirst
- The development of the initial stage of renal failure
DECOMPENSATION: Gradually, the body loses its ability to resist the huge amount of urine, which is due to the increased prostate adenoma. The bladder is over-stretched, so it practically does not shrink and does not help expel the urine to the outside, even straining during urination does not help much.
Characteristic symptoms of this stage may include:
- Feeling of constant desire to empty the bladder
- Severe pain in the lower abdomen
- Frequent urine excretion in drops or in very small portions
The body gradually adapts to the current state, the pain reduces and even goes away. Urine is constantly drips, creating the impression of lack of voluntary control over urination. Note however, that this situation is not due to the fact that the bladder does not hold urine, but because it simply cannot come out as it normally should because of a large adenoma.
This phenomenon is known as “paradoxical urinary retention”.
Again, changes occur in the upper urethra:
- Kidney function is significantly impaired, which may lead to decompensated renal failure
- Due to the loss of the kidney’s cleaning function, the body gradually begins to accumulate “waste” which is accompanied by:
- Loss of appetite
- General weakness
- Vomiting, nausea
- Characteristic body odor.
Due to the limited fluid intake at this stage, patients constantly experience thirst, dry mouths and hoarseness.
TERMINAL - As the pathological process progresses, kidney failure may occur, bringing with it a sharp disturbance of the water-electrolyte balance, nitrogen content in blood increases, and the patient may die from uremia.
Characteristic Symptoms:
The severity of symptoms in people with this condition may vary. The symptoms tend to worsen over time. Common signs and symptoms of this stage of BPH include:
- Frequent or urgent need to urinate
- Increased frequency of urination at night (Nocturia)
- Difficulty starting urination
- Weak urine stream or a stream that stops and starts
- Dribbling at the end of urination
- Inability to completely empty the bladder
Less common signs and symptoms include:
- Urinary tract infection
- Inability to urinate
- Blood in the urine
NOTE: The size of the prostate doesn't necessarily determine how severe the symptoms will be. Some men with much enlarged prostates can have only minor urinary symptoms.In some men, symptoms eventually stabilize and might even improve over time.
When To See A Doctor
One will do well to discuss with a our doctors' immediately urinary problems emerge. It is important to identify and or rule out any underlying causes even if the urinary symptoms are not worrisome. Untreated, urinary problems might eventually lead to obstruction of the urinary tract.
Risk Factors
This may include:
Ageing: Prostate gland enlargement rarely causes signs and symptoms in men younger than age 40. About one-third of men experience moderate to severe symptoms by age 60, and about half do so by age 80.
Diabetes and heart disease: Studies has shown that diabetes and heart disease as well as the use of beta blockers, might increase the risk of BPH.
Lifestyle: Obesity increases the risk of BPH, while exercise can lower same.
Complications of an enlarged prostate can include:
Urinary tract infections (UTIs): The state of being unable to fully empty the bladder is likely to increase the risk of infection in your urinary tract. If UTIs occur frequently, you might need surgery to remove part of the prostate.
Urinary retention (The inability to urinate): You might need to have a catheter (tube) inserted into your bladder to drain the urine. Some men with an enlarged prostate may need surgery to relieve urinary retention.
Bladder stones: Generally this is caused by an inability to completely empty the bladder. Bladder stones could cause infection, bladder irritation, blood in the urine and obstruction of urine flow.
Bladder damage: Over time, a bladder that does not empty completely can stretch and weaken. Subsequently, the muscular wall of the bladder would no longer contract properly, making it harder to fully empty your bladder.
Kidney damage: Pressure from urinary retention in the bladder can directly damage the kidneys or allow infections in thebladder to reach the kidneys.
Most men with an enlarged prostate don't develop these complications. However, acute urinary retention and kidney damage can be serious health threats. Having an enlarged prostate is not believed to increase your risk of developing prostate cancer.
Diagnosis Of Prostate Adenoma
Comprehensive diagnosis of the condition will be carried out on the basis of a patient’s survey data, urological examination and a number of other laboratory and instrumental examination methods.
Patient will be interviewed about his complaints and also on a survey according to the standardized international questionnaire (IPSS) developed by W.H.O which assesses the overall quality of life. Ordinarily, it contains questions about the frequency and nature of urination (Whetheror not it was necessary to strain during an attempt to urinate) etc.
Urological examination
An addition to the external examination of the genital organs would be a mandatory examination of the prostate through the rectum, carried out as follows:
- The patient must empty the rectum beforehonoring the appointment with the urologist.
- At the appointment, the doctor will wear a sterile medical glove, smear the finger with petroleum jelly and gently insert it into the rectum. With soft movements, he will perform palpation of the posterior prostate wall.
Laboratory methods
In the diagnosis of prostate adenoma, the appointed rules are a general urinalysis, kidney tests, blood test for the determination of prostate-specific antigen, and if necessary, a histological examination of adenoma tissues.
- A general analysis of urine is based on a possible bleeding, joining an infection of the urogenital organs, signs of renal failure.
- Kidney tests are also necessary for detecting deficient kidney function. Special attention will be paid to the level of creatinine and residual nitrogen, which increases with the progression of renal failure.
- In cancer, the levels of this antigen rises therefore the level of prostate-specific antigen would also determined in order to exclude prostate cancer, which can be observed together with adenoma
- Histological examination is also performed by prostate biopsy to exclude the possibility of cancer.
Instrumental methods
Often times the following methods are used for the diagnosis of prostate adenoma.
Ultrasound: This gives an idea of the degree of enlargement, its structure, identify nodules in the gland, and give an idea of the presence of stones in the bladder as well as the amount of residual urine. It is performed in the usual way, in which the sensor is placed on the front surface of the abdomen or placed in the rectum.
Radiology: This would include a radiograph and excretory urography. The latter is done using contrast and allows the doctor to determine the expansion of the ureters, renal pelvis, changes in their shape, and the presence of diverticula (protrusions) in the wall of the bladder.
Uroflowmetry: This procedure is done using a special apparatus, which is a funnel that is connected to a computer or recorder. The patient will be required to drink 1 liter of pure non-carbonated water an hour before the procedure. He would need then to urinate in the apparatus funnel. A curve is drawn on the paper or monitor screen, the nature of which the doctor will get an idea of the functioning of the urethra and the sphincter of the bladder.
Treatment Of Prostate Adenoma
It is essential to diagnose suspected cases of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia to avoid complications such as urinary tract infections, damage to the kidneys or bladder, bladder stones and incontinence. The treatment for this condition will be determined by the potential for the existence of these secondary processes along with the patient’s level of discomfort
Medical treatment
A pharmacological treatment based on alpha-blockers and alpha-reductase inhibitors, can be administered in patients with mild or moderate symptoms.This can help to improve urinary flow. Alpha-blockers will reduce the tension of the muscle cells inside the prostate, helping the patient to empty their bladder more effectively and comfortably. Alpha-reductase inhibitors will reduce the size of the prostate, which improves the quality of urination.
Surgical treatment
The symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia can be alleviated through surgery. For patients who may have used medication without success
There are cutting-edge techniques that improve results in a marked and effective way, while at the same time significantly reducing complications.
Prevention Of Prostate Adenoma
Bladder stones are usually caused by an underlying condition that may be difficult to prevent, the chances of bladder stones can be reduced with the following:
- Tell a doctor about unusual urinary symptoms: The risk of developing bladder stones will be reduced with early diagnosis and treatment of an enlarged prostate or another urologic conditions.
- Drinking more fluids, especially water, may help prevent the formation of bladder stones because fluids dilute the concentration of minerals in the bladder.
- Change Your Lifestyle: Certain lifestyle changes may help to relieve symptoms of BPH and are particularly important for men who wish to avoid surgery or drug therapy. Some of these changes include:Eating a diet low in saturated and trans-fats and avoiding caffeine
- Reduce Stress: Relaxation has many physical benefits and it also helps in managing the symptoms of BPH. Reduce stress by exercising regularly and practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation.
- Eat Diet richwith Fruits and Vegetables: Most substances that prevent inflammation like vitamins, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants are available in vegetables and fruits. It has been proven that potent phytonutrient-rich foods can decrease the chances of developing BPH.
- Avoid Medications That Can Aggravate Symptoms: Patients should take the time to speak to their doctors if they are taking prescription and over-the-counter medications such as decongestants.Many of them have been found to aggravate the symptoms of BPH.
- Maintain A Healthy Weight: Many studies have shown links between being overweight and a high risk of BPH. In particular, excess weight around the waist and hips is especially associated with a greater risk of disease.