What is #Joint #Injuries
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There are the places in a body where the different parts of the skeleton come together. Injuries occur at these intersections sometimes.

There are four main types of joint injuries:

  • Strains: When muscles and/or tendons are overextended
  • Dislocations: Separation of a bone from its normal position at a joint
  • Fractures: Cracks,breaks or chips in bones
  • Sprains: Injuries to the ligaments that hold bones together

Typically, joint injuries occur in the wrists, knees, ankles, shoulders and elbows. These are joints that can swell and suffer from redness, making them immobile and subsequently limiting their range of motion.

Common joint injuries may include:

  • Runners Knee
  • Plica Syndrome of the Knee
  • Sprained Ankle
  • Rotator Cuff Injury (Shoulder)


  • Joint pain can be caused by injury or a disease affecting any of the ligaments, bursae or tendons that surrounds the joint.
  • Disease or Injury can also affect the ligaments, cartilage, and bones within the joint all of these could lead to painful joints.
  • Arthritis (Joint inflammation) and some infections can also bring about pain.


  • Pain in the Joint
  • Weakness
  • Inflammation
  • Redness
  • Stiffness
  • Instability
  • Swelling
  • Reduced motion


Inflammation, swelling and redness can be reduced by cooling the injured area with a Hot/Cold Pack.

Knee joint stiffness and arthritis will be helped by heat therapy. Spiral Heat Patches provide relief to sustained muscle and joint pain by delivering eight hours of soothing, deep heat.

Other treatments

  • Protection: Apply soft padding to minimize impact of the injured joint with objects.
  • Rest: as much as possible, do not use the injured limb.
  • Ice: Do well to apply ice to reduce any swelling by reducing blood flow to the injured joint.
  • Compression: It will be necessary to wrap the strained area to reduce swelling with a soft bandage.
  • Elevation: The strained area must be kept close to the level of the heart as is conveniently possible to keep blood from gathering in the injured area.

Resorting to the ice and compression therapy will stop the pain and swelling while the injury starts to heal on its own. It is critical to control the inflammation during the healing process. The ice further restricts leakage offluid into the injured area as well as controlling pain.

These treatments are usually accompanied by the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which reduces the immediate inflammation as well as relieve pain.

It may be worthy to note that NSAIDs, which includes aspirin and ibuprofen, act as blood thinners (they affect the function ofplatelet). Since they will increase blood flow and inhibit clotting, they should not be taken during the period when tissue is bleeding.

NSAIDs can be used after the bleeding has stopped, with some effectiveness to reduce inflammation and pain. It is recommended that the injured person should consult a medical provider if:

  • The limb cannot be used
  • The injury is accompanied by severe pain,
  • If there is noticeable tenderness over an isolated spot. (That could be the sign of either a sprain, a broken or fractured bone, or a complete muscle tear).


Surgeries are done for a multitude of reasons. A patient may have surgery to:

  • Explore a condition for proper diagnosis
  • Take a biopsy of a suspicious lump
  • Remove or repair diseased tissues and/or organs
  • Return structures to their normal position
  • Redirect blood vessels
  • Transplant whole organs or tissue
  • Implant electronic or mechanical devices
  • Improve physical appearance
  • Remove tumors
  • Repair injured joints or other parts of the skeletal system

Depending on the type of surgery being performed, there are several surgical methods that may be used, including:

  • General or Open surgery - The surgeon cuts skin and tissues to get a full view and control of the structures or organs.
  • Minimally invasive surgery - This involves the making of small incisions and the use of tiny instruments like video cameras and cutting tools.
  • Robotic surgery – With a computer, the surgeon controls use of small tools attached to a robotic arm.


In trying to prevent injuries to the joints, be certain to follow these simple suggestions:

  • Movement: Frequent movement that an average person performs daily is critical to long-term joint health. Moving joints constantly through its full range serves several important purposes. Unlike other organs in the body, Joints are not supplied directly with blood and so they will need to be used to keep it sound and healthy.Joints in the body are lined with a firm yet pliable tissue which covers the surfaces of the bones called cartilage. The pressure within the joint that provides nourishment to the cartilage occurs only when there is joint movement. Thus movement is critical to joint health. Bone on bone grinding without a cartilage covering will eventually lead to degenerative joint diseases. This will in turn tear up the bones and create cysts, bone spurs and excess bone production.
  • Proper nutrition: Proper diet and nutrition also contribute to joint health. It provides the joints with enough healthy nutrients for long-term stability and resistance to wear and tear. This lifestyle will be one that is free from tobacco products and other toxins, helps to ensure proper blood supply to tissues surrounding joints and speeds up healing of joint injuries when they occur.
  • Proper lifting: Keep the spine straight and lift with the legs when lifting anything from the floor.
  • Refrain from bending over at the waist and lifting with the muscles of the lower back.
  • Keep the object being lifted close to your body
  • Keep your elbows flexed.
  • Keep your head up and your neck straight as you lift.
  • Healthy exercise regimen: During physical activities, one should be able to comfortably assume several different postures, to avoid staying in one posture for extended periods.
  • Muscles will tire out and joints are more likely to be injured when a particular posture is held for too long. E.g. bending at the waist.
  • The joints that are being used to perform physical tasks must be kept in their neutral posture or approximately halfway into the range of motion.
  • Working with the joints at extreme ranges of motion for prolonged periods is likely to place abnormal stress on the joints. This could result in repetitive-stress injuries.

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